Variants/Variations Colour Keystone Le Clic Halina Disc 100 Halina Disc 100 Halina Disc 100 Halina Disc 100 Logo Halina Logo Halina Logo with lines and „diamond“ Halina Logo „DISC“ Halina Logo „disc“ with red circle Brand (same camera model but different brand) Osram Voigtländer Wotan Starblitz Asaflex discomini Boots Disc 115 DiraDisc Alpha Ansco Disc 310 Dixons SHARPSHOOTER Haking Disc 02 Halina Zippy Disc 102 Hanimex Snap Shooter 115 Mini-Disc Revue Disc F 1001 Sylvania Disc BD 200 EYE-EEZ Alpha Feature (Close Flash Field, Clock types, Sensor types) with and w/o Close Flash Field under the lens Kodak Disc 8000, Clock type 1, two circles Kodak Disc 8000, Clock type 2, one circle and one rectangle Kodak Disc 8000, Clock type 3, two rectangles Model (same name, different model) Dixons SHARPSHOOTER Dixons Sharpshooter Design silver front plate black front plate Kodak Disc 3500 Faceplate „Board“ Kodak Disc 3500 Faceplate „Zebra“ Ansco HR 30 S w/o red line Ansco HR 30 S with red line Patent Halina Zippy Disc 102, „Patents Pending“ on back and on bottom of the camera